
Our community has more than twenty years of history in Dallas. What began as five or six families coming together to study the Bible and pray together, quickly became a community that regularly gathered at nearby churches for Masses and meetings. As the numbers grew, they requested that the Diocese of Dallas help establish a permanent Chinese Catholic community in 1990. In 1992, we put our money together and purchased a small office building in Richardson, Texas. By the end of 1993, we had renovated it to become our sanctuary and activity hall. With the guidance of priests seconded from Taiwan and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, our small community grew stronger in numbers and in faith.


Sunday Mass Announcement主日彌撒宣布事項1/31/2016


Eucharistic adoration before English mass every Sunday is from 8:15-9:15am.


Save the date! - there will be a benefit concert February 21, 2016 at 4 PM featuring soprano Jerilyn Chou, current graduate student of music in Vienna, Austria.  If you love beautiful music, please invite your family and friends to attend!  Tickets are priced at $10 each, students and children at $5/each.  Limited premium seating $40/each.  Tickets are available now! We are also looking for volunteers! For reservations, purchases, volunteer sign- up sheet, or questions, please come to the young adult / young family table in the narthex after mass! 

年輕人及年輕家庭小組將於二月二+一日星期日下午四點正舉行一場為兒童遊樂設施募款的音樂會、留奧女高音周娟如將借由巴哈、莫札持的曲子展示德國民歌曲、輕歌劇、聖樂的不同、機會難得、票價如下:榮譽座:每張 $40 , 普通座每張$10 學生或兒童票每張$5敬請大家大力支持、同時我們也需要義工的幫忙、請大家在彌撒後至前廳登記或至前廳購票、謝謝

English Lector Training is on today 12:15pm-1:30pm, at RCIA room. There will be Pizza Lunch before the training. If you are interested, please come to join the service team.

英文讀經員訓練將在今天 12:15-1:30 舉辦,訓練前有 Pizza Lunch,如果你有興趣加入讀經員的服務,請到 RCIA room 報到

Rite honoring Chinese ancestors will be held next Sunday after Chinese mass.


We will have 2016 Chinese New Year celebration on Feb 13th, 2016.  Potluck dinner will start at 5:30 pm. Performance will begin at 7:00 pm. Please contact any council members for the donation of prizes, or provide a program. We need volunteers help setup and cleaning. Please sign up in the lobby.  More details are posted on the bulletin board.  Thank you.


1/29 is Fr. Peter Chen’s 50th anniversary of ordination. There will be a celebration mass on 10:00am, Feb. 20th. A celebration lunch party will be held after the mass. The exact time and place of the lunch party is yet to be determined. If you are interested to attend the lunch, please register at the front lobby or contact Jingling Wang.

1/29日是我們的敬愛的陳兆望神父晉鐸50周年金慶,林神父已委任關懷組與禮儀組辦理慶祝活動,禮儀組已經確定二月20 日早上十點為陳神父晉鐸五十年的慶祝彌撒。彌撒後關懷組會主辦慶祝的聚餐,時間地點會另行通知有興趣參加午餐,請彌撒後到大廳登記或與王靜玲聯絡.